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You’re Gifted

“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.” – 1 Corinthians 12:4 (NIV)

When I was a child, I loved going to the grocery store with my mother to pick out my favorite cereal. It’s because, back in the day, a prize (toy) came in every box of sugary goodness. I can remember deep diving to the bottom of the cereal bag and resurfacing with the prize of the day. There were prizes such as action figures, games, 3D glasses, tattoo stickers, candy, rings, and glow in the dark spoons just to name a few.

And like the prize-filled cereal boxes of my past, I am reminded of how you and I, as humans, are also gifted with something special on the inside by God. Perhaps your special gifting is sales, teaching, acting, counseling, cleaning, drawing, dancing, writing, speaking, building, singing, organizing, etc. Whatever it may be, you have been uniquely gifted from on high for a specific and greater purpose.

You see, before you were even born, God had a plan and purpose for your life (Jeremiah 1:5) (Jeremiah 29:11). From the heavens you were born with special gifts, talents, and abilities to both serve mankind and to glorify God.

Therefore, if you haven’t yet discovered what your prize is down on the inside, I suggest you seek God to learn of your special gifting. Because just like me, as a child who looked forward to the prize inside the cereal box, there is also someone in the world eagerly waiting for you to share the gift that lies within you. You’ve been gifted by God, the greatest gift-giver of all.

Lord, thank you for endowing me with your gifts from on high. God use me to express your love and goodness through what you’ve invested in me. God use me for your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  


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