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In Christ You Can Rise Again

And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you. (Romans 8:11)

Mountains and valleys are both a part of life. However, some of life’s deepest valleys can seem incredibly hard to bear. The setbacks, disappointments, and struggles that life often brings can be devastating and overwhelming to the human soul. I know firsthand because I, too, have had to endure many of life’s valleys. 

I’ve suffered the aches of abandonment and abuse, breathtaking betrayal, frivolous failed relationships, and ruthless rejection. Still, through each painful event, God has never left me nor forsaken me. He has always kept me and faithfully guided me through each valley (Psalm 23:4). It’s been only by His power, that I have risen above and overcome every adverse circumstance.

So what about you? Have you ever encountered the brutal winds of adversity? I’m sure you have on some occasion because, unfortunately, no one is exempt from life’s chastening winds.

Let’s take a brief moment to ponder the life of Joseph, a young man who definitely had his fair share of difficulty. He also had to endure some valleys. He was sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, lied on by Potiphar’s wife, and undeservingly thrown into prison (Genesis 37-50). Consequently, the maltreatment was all because of his God-given dream. Undoubtedly, Joseph’s painful challenges were enough  to make him want to give up. However, giving up was not an option because he had a destiny to fulfill in God. Although Joseph encountered all of these valleys and endured many adverse circumstances, God still empowered him to rise above his conditions and fulfill his purpose in the earth (Psalm 34:19). Regardless of the obstacles, Joseph’s God-given dream of becoming a ruler prevailed and what his brothers meant for evil God in His sovereignty made it good.

And surely we cannot forget about Jesus, who also had to suffer great adversity. He too had to endure betrayal, mockery, persecution, and ultimately crucifixion for His God-given assignment (Luke 22-24). And even though Jesus suffered undeserved mistreatment, God empowered Him to not only rise above His circumstances, but to also rise from the grave on the third day so that we could ascend above death and have eternal life through His death, burial, and resurrection.

What a provisional God.

Rest assured that life will deal each of us some adverse situations. Nevertheless, we can have peace in knowing that no matter what we go through in life, God is with us and the same spirit that raised Jesus from the grave will enable and empower us to endure every one of life’s adversities. It is by His grace that we can overcome and rise again.

God, thank you for sacrificing your only begotten son, Jesus. I am thankful that you sent Him into the world to die for my sins so that I might live. It was because of His death, burial, and resurrection that I have eternal life. Thank you for the power of your spirit and for extending such immense love towards me. I am forever grateful for your grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.     

1 Response
  • Charlene
    April 4, 2021

    This is very uplifting and encouraging! Continue to share your inspirational messages!

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