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Environment Is Everything

And he said, “Truly, I say to you, no prophet is acceptable in his hometown. Luke 4:24 (ESV)

Have you felt stagnant, stuck, or stalemate lately? If so, it may very well have something to do with your environment. According to Google, our environment consists of “the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.” We may not think about it often, but the places we spend our time as well as the people we associate ourselves with has a direct affect on our being. And just as a plant needs the proper environment for growth, so do we as people.

Recently, I took a look at my own surroundings and have discovered a few barren places. I have realized that there are some physical locations, as well as, some relationships that just aren’t good ground for growth. So what do you do when your surroundings are desolate and not providing you with what you need to be fruitful? It’s simple. You make some necessary changes. Your environment is a huge factor, and it can be either beneficial or detrimental. Therefore, it is a must that we are willing to step out of our comfort zones to get into the environments that are favorable for thriving.

This is a reality that Jesus knew well. In the book of Luke 4:16-30, Jesus experiences what it means to be in the wrong environment and amongst the wrong people. It was shortly after Jesus completed a forty day fast that He resumed from the wilderness and began traveling from region to region teaching the good news. It was during Jesus’ travel that He circled back and visited His hometown of Nazareth. It was there that Jesus did what was tradition for Him, which was to teach in the synagogue on the Sabbath day.

However, when Jesus began to share what God had purposed for His life through scripture, there were some who were questioning who He was in God and even offended by His declarations. To the attendees, Jesus was nothing more than a common man who they referred to as Joseph’s son and their religiosity would not allow them to see Him as anything more. Therefore, Jesus knowing their lack of faith and disbelief in who He really was also knew that he would be hindered in His familiar surroundings and exclaimed that no prophet is welcome in their hometown.

Again, environment is everything. Jesus knew by the people’s response that He would be restricted from doing miracles, since the people He grew up amongst were too familiar with Him and could only perceive Him in the natural but not in spirit.

With this being said, it is possible that you could also be hanging out in the wrong places and with the wrong crowd and ultimately being hindered from achieving your goals as well as the good works God has called you to do. Therefore, in order to move forward, you will have to make some intentional decisions concerning change. If you desire to carry out the plans and purposes for your life, it is imperative to seek out the positive places and people that will celebrate you and contribute to the advancement of your life.

This is what Jesus did. He walked away from the places He wasn’t honored and was rejected in order to fulfill His calling. So I encourage you to take courage and do the same. There are plenty of other environments that are welcoming and more conducive for your growth. Just pray and ask God to help you find them and when you do, it will be well worth it.

Lord, I realize that my environments are meaningful and they can be either helpful or harmful. Lord, afford me the opportunities to be in the right places amongst the right people so that I may walk in my calling without hindrances. Lord, thank you for change and for carrying out the plans and purposes for my life so that your will is done and you may be glorified. In Jesus’ name, amen.    

2 Responses
  • Charlene
    September 3, 2021

    This is another encouraging and inspirational article! Keep up the good work!

    • Heddie J. Simmons
      September 8, 2021

      I so agree this example
      Jesus is the best to learn from
      If we could be the same way too
      We would be more productive in what we do
      Our environment has so much to share
      It just has to be right and we must know to care.

      Thank you beloved for pointing out such a powerful insight so one could truly Be.

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