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“In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” (James 2:17 NIV)

If your profession of faith is that you are a Christian, then where are your works? In James 2:14-26, faith is discussed from several angles with one theme in mind, and that is, an active faith will result in active works. James asks, what does it profit to just have faith alone?

As a believer, you should know that your faith in Jesus has great magnitude. And even though it is personal, it is also provisional through your good works. Each one of us has been endowed with gifts and resources to both serve mankind and to glorify God. Therefore, as a believer, your faith and works suitably go hand and hand as you were saved to serve.

In verses 15-16, it is asked that if a brother or sister was in need of clothing or food, would you simply tell them to go away in peace and not provide for them? If so, what does it profit? And in verse 21, Abraham is mentioned for not only his faith in God, but also for his works of obedience. Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. And because of his actions, he was justified by his works and not his faith alone (Genesis 22:1-19).

So you may be pondering, what works should I be doing? And that’s a very good question indeed. I suggest you start with your God-given gifts by being a blessing and service to others. Or simply being obedient to whatever God instructs you to do. There are daily opportunities all around you. Ask God to make you sensitive to others and help you to recognize the opportunities He has for you.

And although your works won’t save you as described in Ephesians 2:8-9 (“For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith – and it is not from yourselves, it is a gift of God – not by works, so that no man can boast.”), you still have the responsibility to produce good fruit and to participate in your salvation. Works surely won’t make us righteous, but our righteousness through Jesus Christ will produce good works.

Remember, faith is active and not dormant. And works could very well be the missing component of your faith. So know that whatever vision, goal, service, or act of obedience you carry in your heart, it will require action to make a difference or to come to pass.

Got Faith? Then where are your works?

Lord, thank you for the amazing gifts of faith and salvation that you’ve graced me with. Please continue to lead and guide me as well as give me the courage to do the works you would have me to do. Thank you Lord for helping me to walk in faith that leads to obedience and obedience that leads to action. In Jesus’ name, amen.   




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