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‘Tis the Season to be Thankful

And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God. (Luke 17:15 KJV)

In the book of Luke, Chapter 17:11-19, there is a story of ten men who were stricken with leprosy (a debilitating skin disease), and unless a miracle took place, they would all be outcasts and damned from normal life for the rest of their lives.

Fortunately, one day the men discovered Jesus journeying through their village, and from a distance they cried out to Him to have mercy on them. When Jesus heard their cry, He answered them by giving them orders to go see the priest.

However, before the men reached the priest, their faith and obedience caused them to be healed in the presence of God. Immediately after, one of the lepers who was a Samaritan, turned back and fell down at the feet of Jesus and gave Him thanks.

Then Jesus responded, “Were there not ten of you? Where are the other nine?” Jesus inquired and was possibly taken aback because the majority of them never returned to give thanks and glory to God for their healing other than the Samaritan. Therefore, Jesus told him to rise, be on his way, and that his faith had made him whole again.

Now, I’m not sure why only one of the healed men returned to give thanks, but it was surely owed and was the most honorable thing to do. Perhaps the other nine were so overwhelmed with joy and preoccupied with their healed status that they simply forgot to give thanks. Or maybe they were more focus on getting back to their lives as they once knew it instead of giving back to Jesus who made it possible. Whatever the case may be, it is my prayer that we would all be like the one who had a heart of gratitude and a mind to give thanks.

So as we embark on another Christmas holiday season, one of the busiest times of the year for many of us, let us not forget the real meaning of the season and the gift of thanks.

This holiday season and each day forward, let us not take the miracles and mercies of God for granted; but let us acknowledge the goodness of God in all of our ways by setting aside time each day to get in the presence of God. Let us reflect on His goodness and give Him thanks because we surely have a lot to be grateful for.

Lord, thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon us and thank you for the gift of life itself. Please help us to not ever be so prideful to feel entitled to your grace and your mercies. Thank you Lord for every good and perfect gift; and most of all for the gift of your son, Jesus. You are a good God and worthy to be thanked. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen. 





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