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Keep Your Pearls

Do not give what is holy to dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces. Matthew 7:6 (NKJV)

Have you ever tried sharing the good news with someone who wasn’t open to receive it? Or have you ever invested your time, resources, or support into someone only to receive ungratefulness in return? If so, it may be time for you to learn a valuable lesson from Jesus and make some necessary changes in your life.

Throughout the bible, Jesus encountered people with the same ungratefulness, especially amongst the Pharisees, the Jewish leaders of Jesus’ time. It didn’t matter what good deed Jesus carried out, the Pharisees always questioned His authority, rejected His teachings, and opposed His efforts. Whether Jesus was healing the sick on the Sabbath (John 5:1-8) (Mark 3:1-6) (Luke 13:10-17), teaching in the synagogues (Mark 1:21-28) (Luke 4:15-33) (Matthew 9:35) or performing miracles (John 11:1-45) (Matthew 14:13-21) (John 2:1-11), He was always met with hostility.

This is why Jesus gave special instructions to His disciples when He sent them out to minister. He didn’t want them wasting their time ministering to people who were not approachable, didn’t have a heart to receive, nor an ear to hear their messages. Matthew 7:6 says, “Do not give what is holy to dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.” This verse makes it very clear that there are people that are not receptive of good things; and as Jesus’ disciples, we also should not cast our pearls before people who are unwilling to listen. If we do, we may risk the chance of being both offended and even attacked verbally or physically just as Jesus was.

And there is another scripture that states a similar idea but expressed in a slightly different way. Matthew 10:14 says, “And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet.” Again, we see where Jesus only wants His disciples ministering to people who have a true hunger and thirst after righteousness.

Hence, with Jesus being our example, let’s embrace this knowledge and steward well by refraining from investing in the wrong people. Instead, only share the good news with those who are open to receive it and our valuables with those who are truly appreciative.

Lord, thank you for the gift of your precious Word that nourishes, enlightens, and guides me each day. Thank you also for giving me the wisdom to not waste valuable things on people who will not appreciate them nor have the heart to receive them. Thank you Lord for leading and guiding me to those who are grateful for every good gift that flows from above and for those who are hungering and thirsting after your righteousness. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

1 Response
  • Jess
    November 10, 2023

    Good Evening,

    This is a lovely website. Very inspiring to one’s soul!!

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