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Procrastinate No More

I must work the works of Him who sent Me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. (John 9:4 KJV)

As I begin writing this blog post, the lyrics from the Broadway musical, Annie, come to mind. The title of the song I’m referring to is called, “Tomorrow”. In the musical, an orphan named Annie sings a song about a brighter day that she hopes to find in the future of tomorrow. And like the fictional character Annie, we too may look to tomorrow as a more opportune day.

Have you ever had a desire to accomplish something in life but procrastination seems to always have you putting off today for tomorrow? I’m sure you have because we’ve all experienced the hesitation of moving forward at some time or another.

However, according to the word of God and what we know to be true about life, we understand that we only have a time and season to accomplish what we are called to do. So what is the thing that’s been tugging at you? You know the thing that you continue to suppress, shy away from and shun to address. Is your assignment to write a book, start a business or perhaps start a ministry? If so, there is no better time than the present time of today.

God has gifted each one of us with specific gifts to serve mankind and to accomplish specific works for His glory. Furthermore, the tomorrow that you are trusting in may not offer the same freedoms, good health, time, resources, peace, opportunities, or even life itself.

Throughout the Bible, Jesus demonstrates to us all what our focus should be on during our lifetime, despite any adverse circumstances. Jesus lived an intentional life because He always had His purpose and calling in mind. He knew He only had a limited amount of time to complete His assignment and that a day would come when His works would seize. Therefore, His mission was His priority and He could always be found doing the works of His Father who sent Him.

Jesus did great works while He was here on earth. During His earthly ministry, He healed the sick, raised people from the dead, fed the multitudes, cast out demons, and ultimately went to the cross to die for our sins. Jesus had an enormous heart of compassion for all people and His works continuously glorified God.

So with Jesus being our example, we must do the same. We must always be intentional about our God-given assignments and work the works of our Father, God, while it is day because when night comes, no man can work.

“Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow. You’re always a day away.” These are the words that often linger in the background of life. Nevertheless, tomorrow is a day away but it’s a day that’s not promised to any of us. So while it is still daylight, let’s be about our Father’s business.

Lord, thank you for the gift of life and for the gifts that you’ve invested in me. Lord, help me to be intentional about my life and a good steward of time. Also, please help me to be focused, disciplined, and obedient concerning my calling. Lord, thank you for helping me to understand the urgency of today so that I will have no regrets concerning tomorrow. In Jesus’ name, amen.  


1 Response
  • Charlene
    June 2, 2021

    This is an excellent article! I’m reminded to do what God has called me to do TODAY because tomorrow is not promised!

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